Golden-mantled ground squirrels, maintained under constant conditions of photoperiod and temperature sustained lesions of the suprachiasmatic nuclei (SCN) or of the medial basal hypothalamus. Destruction of the SCN eliminated or disrupted circadian activity rhythms and shortened the period of the circannual reproductive cycle. Circannual body weight cycles were eliminated or disrupted in several SCN-lesioned animals and one squirrel had a 3- to 5-mo body weight rhythm; however, most SCN-lesioned squirrels with disrupted circadian activity cycles manifested normal circannual body weight rhythms. The SCN are important for circadian organization of locomotor activity of this diurnal rodent, but the generation and expression of circannual body weight and reproductive rhythms can proceed in the absence of coherent circadian organization. The SCN are less essential for the generation and expression of circannual than of circadian cycles.