We report five patients with Myxomas of the left atrium studied by catheterization and/or Echocardiography between november 1976 and october 1978. Four patients were operated immediately with extracorporeal circulation which confirmed the diagnosis. The last patient died before surgical intervention due to a severe hepatorenal syndrome and extensive pulmonary infection. Another patient died postoperatively on the second day due to irreversible pulmonary hypertensión. The remaining three patients are asymptomatic (average 28 months after surgery). Reviewing the diagnostic methods, particularly the Echocardiogram, we found that it is a good diagnostic tool, making catheterization with the risks of myxomatous embolization unnecessary. Furthermore, the Echo facilitates simple and economic observation for the detection of relapses. Finally, broad and careful surgical management most be emphasized in order to avoid transoperative emboli, tumoral dissemination, and latent relapses, mediated by the greater use of filters and a broad resection of the implantation pedicule.