13 children with chronic HBsAg negative hepatitis were examined in this work with the I.F. method. Comparison can be made with a previous work on chronic HBsAg positive hepatitis. 8 of these patients were cases of ECP, 1 was a ECA-A and 4 were ECA-B. Research has been done to point out immunoglobulins and immunocomplexes in the liver and serum. On the whole, fluorescence was less both in liver and serum than fluorescence in chronic HBsAg positive hepatitis. Reasons of it can be: the absence of anti-virus B antibodies (HBcAb, delta-Ab, HBsAb), the relative lightness of our cases and, probably, a better answer of HBsAg negative hepatitis than of HBsAg positive one to immunodepressive treatment.