PIP: China, with its very large base population, high rate of natural increase in the recent past, and very young age structure, is encouraging couples to have only 1 child in the hope that an average family size of 1.7 children can be achieved by 1980 and a population below 1.2 billion by the year 2000. According to the schedule, the proportion of fertile women giving birth to only 1 child would be about 50%, perhaps higher in urban areas. The government has begun educating the public through the news media and various organizations about the longterm implications of controlling population growth. Economic incentives given to couples having only 1 child include health care funds, free medical care, and free kindergarten and schooling. If the parents agree to have only 1 child they receive a bonus at the birth of the child and a monthly payment until the child reaches 14. Old age pensions, medical care, and living facilities for elderly 1-child parents are planned. 2 effective methods of encouraging the 1-child families are provision of honorary certificates to parents signing contracts to that affect, and the good example of the cadres. Despite a new marriage law, it will be some time before the traditional family structure can be changed to ensure that daughters have equal rights with sons and that a boy may marry into a girl's family. A survey conducted by the Beijing Normal University showed that only children tended to be superior to multiple children in intellectual development and in health. Results of comparative studies of personality and behavior of kindergarten age only children and other children have been conflicting. Further study is needed on the personalities of only children, and parents should be assisted in raising and educating their children to have desirable personality traits.