Dermatoglyphic findings are reported for six members of a family in which two patients have partial trisomy for the short arm of chromosome 10(p13 leads to pter) and there are two unaffected carriers of the balanced translocation t(5;10)(p15;p13). The patterns are compared with those of nine other published cases of trisomy 10p. The following dermatoglyphic features appear to be characteristic for the trisomy 10p syndrome: frequent whorls and a high total ridge count on the finger prints and on the palms, C-lines terminating in space 11 (2nd interdigitum), B-lines terminating in space 9(3rd interdigitum), axial triradii t'', high atd angles, abnormal creases on the palms and soles, and general dysplasia of the papillary ridges.