The effect of the addition of radiographic contrast material (Renografin) to blood on the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve and P50 was measured by a metabolic deoxygenation technique in a strongly buffered red cell suspension. With incubation time constant, increasing doses produced progressive decreases in P50. With incubation time varied at a constant dose, a decrease in P50 was seen after only one minute. In addition, in vivo studies were performed on 11 patients undergoing cardiac catheterization. Simultaneous proximal coronary sinus and aortic samples were drawn as controls, and then at one minute and five minutes after injection of the left coronary artery. In eight patients studies were performed after, and in three prior to left ventriculography. At one minute after left coronary injection there was a significant decrease of coronary sinus as compared to aortic P50 (p less than .10) (only when left ventriculography was performed prior to coronary arteriography). The magnitude of these effects in vivo is unknown, but they would be expected to be more severe in areas distal to a critical coronary lesion due to stasis of blood flow and ischemic metabolic changes.