General anesthetics depress central nervous system excitability via a mechanism that probably involves effects on synaptic ion channels, but the fundamental molecular nature of the site where they act is unknown. Although the importance of hydrophobicity for general anesthetic drug potency has long been established, it remains uncertain whether these "nonspecific" drugs act on membrane proteins directly or by modification of the physical properties of the lipid membrane or the lipid-protein interface. We find that specific mutations in the acetylcholine receptor pore-forming M2 domains enhance the sensitivity of the receptor to the general anesthetics isoflurane, hexanol, and octanol, suggesting that these agents act by binding directly to a discrete protein site at or near these residues. The sensitivity of the receptor to block by general anesthetics increases with increased hydrophobicity of these residues, demonstrating that hydrophobic forces dominate the interaction of drugs with their protein site. Furthermore, octanol inhibits both wild-type and mutant nicotinic acetylcholine receptors preferentially after channel opening, which is consistent with a mechanism where drugs bind within the receptor's pore. Similar sites on postsynaptic ion channels in brain may represent general anesthetic targets for modulating consciousness.