Magnetic resonance imaging can be used to demonstrate a variety of benign adnexal diseases. However, the real utility and efficacy of MR imaging in benign pelvic disease has not been investigated thoroughly. This is the challenge for future research. Presently, particularly in light of changes in the health care system, it is incumbent upon radiologists, gynecologists, and other clinicians to determine what additional information MR imaging will add to the diagnostic evaluation already completed before performing MR imaging. One must ask several questions. Will MR imaging provide additional information? Will that information affect care and treatment of the patient? Will the treatment be beneficial to the care of the patient? Will the patient agree to the management? Many times these questions are not asked. And if asked, the answers are unknown or under investigation. However, using one's best clinical judgment and armed with the knowledge at hand, if answers to the above questions are yes, then MR imaging may prove useful.