By using immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization, we have demonstrated that the nitric oxide (NO)-synthesizing enzyme NO synthase is present in gonadotrophs and in folliculo-stellate cells of the anterior pituitary gland of male and female rats. A marked increase in levels of NO synthase protein and mRNA was observed after gonadectomy. In vitro studies on dispersed anterior pituitary cells suggest that NO inhibits gonadotropin-releasing-hormone-stimulated luteinizing hormone release. An inhibitory effect of NO has also been shown on growth-hormone-releasing-hormone-stimulated release of growth hormone [Kato, M. (1992) Endocrinology 131, 2133-2138]. Thus these findings support a dual mechanism for NO in the control of anterior pituitary hormone secretion, an autocrine mediation of luteinizing hormone release on gonadotrophs, and a paracrine effect on growth hormone secretion involving folliculo-stellate cells closely related to somatotrophs. We speculate that NO may participate in producing the pulsatile secretion patterns of these two pituitary hormones.