Eight HIV-1 isolates from Venezuela have been characterized by nucleotide sequencing of the entire reverse transcriptase (RT)- and surface glycoprotein (gp 120)-coding regions. Average mutant frequencies were 2.5 x 10(-2) substitutions per nucleotide (s/nt) for the RT-coding region, and 10 x 10(-2) or 6.8 x 10(-2) s/nt for the gp120-coding region, depending on whether gaps introduced for optimal alignment were or were not, respectively, considered in the calculations. Phylogenetic trees were derived by maximum-likelihood, neighbor-joining, and maximum parsimony methods. In the trees derived from both RT- and gp120-coding regions, Venezuelan isolates cluster with subtype B viruses. However, the relative position of some of the isolates is considerably different in the two trees. Unique V3 loop amino acid sequences, not represented in the current database, have been identified among the Venezuelan isolates. In addition to representing the first molecular characterization of HIV-1 from Venezuela, the extensive genetic heterogeneity observed reinforces the interest in characterizing additional HIV-1 isolates worldwide for adequate vaccine design.