In a mouse model, we have shown previously that macrophages are the principal source of complement C1q. Furthermore, spleen, heart, and brain were found to contain substantial levels of murine C1q-specific mRNA, whereas liver, kidney, lung, and small intestine contained only trace amounts of C1q-specific mRNA. This work addresses the identification of C1q-expressing spleen cells in the rat, using Northern blotting and in situ detection of rat C1q mRNA combined with immunohistochemical analysis. The complete sequence of mRNA encoding the B chain of rat C1q was established. The cloned cDNA was found to hybridize primarily with spleen-derived mRNA of 1.2 kb, and additionally with a novel mRNA species of 3 kb. In situ hybridization together with immunohistochemistry revealed most of the C1q-expressing cells to be located in the red pulp of the spleen, and to be mainly of the monocyte-macrophage lineage, as indicated by coexpression of ED-1, an established marker for this type of cell. In addition, C1q was expressed in S-100-positive but ED-1-negative cells, in germinal center follicular dendritic cells, and in some interdigitating dendritic cells of the periarteriolar lymphatic sheath (PALS). These results indicate that the spleen, containing the above APCs that are all involved to a major extent in the adaptive immune response and are all capable of synthesizing C1q that is involved intimately in the innate immune response, may provide the site at which the innate and adaptive immune systems merge.