We describe the use of two in vitro tests to characterize plasma antioxidant capacity at the time of cardiac bypass in operations for congenital heart disease in 30 patients aged 3 days to 16 years (average 4.4 +/- 0.9 years [standard error]). Bypass and crossclamp time, circuit volume, and type of operation were recorded for each patient. First, a test of plasma radical antioxidant power measured chain breaking (secondary) antioxidant capacity of plasma to prevent oxidation of linoleic acid in vitro. Second, overall ability of plasma to prevent lipid peroxidation was assessed by a classic test of plasma inhibition of malondialdehyde formation in a beef brain homogenate. Plasma total radical antioxidant power level at baseline was 0.74 +/- 0.03 mumol/ml plasma, which decreased to 0.15 +/- 0.05 mumol/ml plasma after bypass (p < 0.001) and 0.26 +/- 0.08 mumol/ml plasma with recovery (n = 18, p < 0.001). Analysis of variance of postbypass total radical antioxidant power value showed age (p = 0.0002, r = 0.63) and bypass time (p = 0.009, r = 0.4677) to be significant factors. Pump prime volume in milliliters per kilogram and preoperative hemoglobin value were not significant factors. Beef brain malondialdehyde formation in vitro was limited 92% +/- 3% by normal plasma before operation versus 53% +/- 5% after operation (p < 0.001) and 51% +/- 5% at recovery after arrival in the pediatric intensive care unit (p < 0.001). Analysis of variance of the changes from before to after operation showed age p = 0.0015, r = 0.55) and bypass time (p = 0.033, r = 0.39) to be significant factors. Thus antioxidant capacity of plasma is significantly diminished after cardiopulmonary bypass in children. Young patient age and long duration of cardiopulmonary bypass are identified as factors that correlate positively with depletion of antioxidant capacity with bypass.