Neuropathological changes in elderly residents of Oslo, Norway were characterised with respect to the cerebral substrates of dementia. Ninety-two brains were examined, representing 41% of all deaths occurring in 10 nursing homes during a 9-month period. The autopsy cohort showed a similar mean age (85 years) and sex ratio (73% female) and proportion of demented patients (75%) compared to all the patients resident in these homes who died during the same period. Clinical data was compiled retrospectively. Diagnosis was made using the CERAD protocol, and criteria for the diagnosis of Lewy body dementia. Lewy body formation was present in 20% and cerebral infarction in 21% of patients. In the demented group (69 patients) 90% fulfilled CERAD criteria for definite or probable Alzheimer's disease. Eight demented cases had absent neocortical neurofibrillary tangles and 6 other cases showed Lewy body dementia (9% of demented patients). A further 8 of these demented cases had brain stem Lewy bodies with only minimal cortical involvement. Thirteen cases (19% of the sample) had cerebral infarcts but these were considered to be clinically significant in only 4 (6%). In the non-demented patients (23) 4 patients had brain stem Lewy bodies and 6 had cerebral infarcts. Despite inclusion criteria biased towards the collection of Alzheimer's disease and normal patients, both Lewy body dementia (7%) and cerebral infarcts contributing to dementia (6%) were frequent.