Twelve women who developed an average postpartum weight gain of 18.3kgs (SD +/- 6.09) entered an open trial, for three months, of fluoxetine 20 mg daily. The weight gain during their pregnancies was nearly twice that recommended by the treating gynecologists. Seventy-five percent success rate was achieved -8/12 were +/- 5% of their pre-pregnancy weights upon completion of the trial. Mean weight upon entering the trial was 82.25kgs (SD +/- 13.39), and at termination, 65.75kgs (SD +/- 8.59), P < 0.001. Anorexia and weight loss (more than 5% of body weight) have been reported in the literature in 9% and 13%, respectively, of depressed patients treated with fluoxetine. The use of this drug to promote weight loss is here reported in a selected population of women without signs or symptoms of depression, whose weight gain during pregnancy was excessive.