External version was successful after initial failure in 6 cases after transabdominal amnio-infusion. Filling the uterine cavity by amnio-infusion with 700 to 900 ml saline solution at 37 degrees C facilitated cephalic presentation in these 6 cases. In each case, a prior version attempt had been unsuccessful. Amnio-infusion was performed under continuous sonographic monitoring before a second attempt the next day. The clinical situation was different in the 6 cases which all terminated by normal cephalic delivery. Two patients were first parity, another has a single uterine scar, 3 had a normal pelvis (Magnin > 23), one a narrow pelvis (Magnin = 22.7) and 2 had a pelvis considered pathological (Magnin < 22). The main goal of this preliminary study was to evaluate the feasibility and safety of this new indication for transabdominal amnio-infusion. This new indication should be evaluated by several clinical trials, but it would new appear reasonable to propose transabdominal amnio-infusion in patients with a pathological pelvis and/or a single cicatricial uterus.