The tetrameric STRs, HUMTH01, HUMVWA31A and HUMFES/FPS, were studied in a population from the Basque Country (northern Spain) for their frequency distribution and applicability to identity and paternity testing. All systems conformed to Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium; pairwise comparisons demonstrated the allelic independence between loci, and furthermore, all systems seemed to be in agreement with expectations from the Stepwise Mutation Model (SMM) of the mutation-drift theory, which indicates the homogeneity of the population and suggests a replication slippage mechanism as a possible model for generating alleles. A comparison with other population groups appeared to indicate that frequencies are well conserved in Caucasians, but differ from other racial groups. The calculated parameters "a priori probability of exclusion" (PEX) and "index of discrimination" (ID), show the informativeness of these loci for the determination of identity and relatedness of individuals.