The neural cell-adhesion molecule, NCAM, contains an unusual homopolymer of sialic acid units, polysialic acid. This carbohydrate seems to be involved in neurite outgrowth, bundling and branching, processes which are important during reinnervation. In aged rats, reinnervation of denervated muscle fibres is incomplete. In this study, age-related changes in the degree of polysialylation of NCAM re-expressed after denervation were examined using a monoclonal antibody recognizing polysialic acid and a polyclonal antibody recognizing NCAM. The results show that, after denervation, the degree of polysialylation on NCAM was clearly reduced in rat soleus muscle of aged, compared to young, adult rats. This age-related change in expression of polysialic acid probably influences the reinnervation process in aged muscle.