The DNA ploidy status and S-phase fraction (SPF) of benign proliferative lesions (BPL) and malignant tumours (MT) in the mammary glands of dogs were determined by flow cytometric analysis and the results were related to their clinical and histological features. Seven (14.3 per cent) of 49 BPL and 16 (48.5 per cent) of 33 primary MT had aneuploid G0,1 peaks (P < 0.001). Hypodiploid G0,1 peaks were found in one BPL and in five primary MT. The DNA ploidy status of primary MT was not found to be associated with their size, nodal status, grade of histological malignancy or nuclear grade. In several cases there was intra-tumour heterogeneity in ploidy status independent of histological heterogeneity. The SPF was significantly higher in 27 primary MT than in 45 BPL when diploid and aneploid cases were combined for comparison (P < 0.05), but not when only diploid cases were compared. Among the primary MT the SPF was higher in aneuploid than in diploid tumours (P < 0.05) and it was higher in five MT from five dogs with regional disease than in 22 MT from 19 dogs with local disease (P < 0.05). The SPF was positively correlated with the grade of histological malignancy (P < 0.05) but not with nuclear grade.