The origin of mesangial IgA deposits in IgA nephropathy (IgAN) remains obscure. A significant proportion of deposited immunoglobulin is dimeric (J chain-positive). Previous studies of J chain expression within lymphoid tissue in IgAN have utilized antibodies which other investigators have found to be non-specific. To address this problem, we have developed and in situ hybridization (ISH) method for the detection of J chain mRNA within IgA plasma cells. Tonsils from 12 patients with IgAN and 12 controls were studied using (i) non-isotopic ISH for J chain mRNA, and (ii) combined immunofluorescence (IF) and fluorescent ISH. J chain mRNA-positive cells were identified in germinal centres, and within the subepithelial and interfollicular zones. A greater number of J chain mRNA-positive cells were found in the germinal centres of patients (mean 57.7 +/- 4.6 cells/10(5) micron2) compared with controls (mean 36.9 +/- 3.5 cells/10(5) micron2) (P < 0.001). Combined IF and fluorescent ISH showed a greater proportion of J chain mRNA-positive interfollicular IgA cells in patient tonsils (32 +/- 3.4%) compared with controls (21 +/- 2.3%; P < 0.02). These results indicate a shift towards dimeric IgA production in the tonsils in IgAN. In addition, the finding of excess numbers of J chain-positive Iga-negative cells within germinal centres suggests that an abnormality may be present at the B cell differentiation stage before IgA switching. These results further highlight immune abnormalities within the tonsil as a central feature of abnormal polymeric IgA biology in this common form of glomerulonephritis.