Objective: To determine the relationship, if any, between the ovarian hormonal status of women and levels of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) in their oviductal fluid. The threshold questions were the following: (1) does the presence of AFP in human oviductal fluid (hOF) represent a generalized phenomenon and (2) if so, is there any relationship between AFP in hOF and the ovarian hormones, estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P)?
Design: Eleven women who elected minilaparotomy tubal ligations volunteered to donate hOF and serum samples for this study. AFP, E2, and P were determined be radioimmunoassay.
Setting: Procedures were performed in an academic research environment.
Patients: This study encompasses only those patients who elected minilaparotomy tubal ligation and volunteered to donate hOF and sera. Clinical features of these patients are described.
Interventions: Patients undergoing tubal ligations had Foley catheters inserted into the fimbriated ends of each oviduct, and hOF was collected for 24 hours. Concomitantly, blood was drawn for analyses of serum. The Investigational Review Board of the Erie County Medical Center approved this study requiring the collection of oviductal fluid from human subjects.
Results: Levels of AFP in hOF did not correlate with the serum concentrations of E2 and P per se. However, there was a highly significant correlation between levels of AFP in hOF and serum E2:P ratio. The concentration of AFP in hOF progressively increased with respect to the ratio of serum E2:P. Although AFP was present in all samples of hOF, it was undetectable in corresponding sera.
Conclusions: Based on these data, it is concluded that AFP is generally present in hOF. Furthermore, it is suggested that AFP in hOF may be under the control of ovarian steroids.