A family is reported in which three members were affected by cardiomyopathy. Two members died unexpectedly in their second decade. Only a 23-year-old male suffered from the triad of clinical manifestations (cardiomyopathy, mental retardation and vacuolar myopathy). Morphologic findings and biochemical studies of his biopsied skeletal muscle and cultured fibroblasts confirmed lysosomal glycogen storage disease with normal acid maltase that was first described by Danon et al. In this study we demonstrated early morphologic changes, storage of glycogen and abnormal membranous structures in disorganized myofibers in biopsied skeletal muscle from the elder sister, who only showed cardiomyopathy clinically. The aggregation of autophagosomes was prominent in cultured fibroblasts, with an increased glycogen content. The activity of acid alpha-glucosidase was higher than normal. This is a systemic storage disease with different expression in males and females.