Eighteen patients have been treated for gliomas with fractionated stereotactic linear accelerator (LINAC) irradiation. A plastic halo ring secured with skull pins allows daily attachment of the patient to the stereotactic frame mounted on the linear accelerator. The patients received 9-31 fractions of 1.8-3 Gy/fraction over periods of 20-49 days. Total doses delivered stereotactically where 16-60 Gy (90% isodose) delivered to 3-7 cm diameter tumors. The six patients with glioblastoma had a median survival of 16 months (range 7-60 months). The two patients with anaplastic astrocytoma survived 7 and 78 months. Most of the patients with high grade tumors also received other adjuant treatments. Of the ten patients with low grade gliomas, one expired 66 months after treatment, and the remainder are alive 22-82 months after treatment. One pediatric patient displayed evidence of focal radiation injury with visual loss. No patient developed initial recurrence of tumor outside the focally irradiated field. Stereotactic localization of irradiation protects surrounding brain tissue; fractionation improves the therapeutic ratio. These extended follow-up data indicate that stereotactic restriction of radiation fields in treatment of gliomas does not result in deterioration of survival results. Further investigation is warranted into the use of higher focal fractionated radiation doses to attempt to improve local control and survival.