Troponin I is a contractile protein comprising three isoforms, two related to the skeletal muscle and one to the cardiac fibers. Cardiac troponin I (CTn I) is specific, without any cross-reactivity with the other two. Several studies have demonstrated its release after acute myocardial infarction. In contrast, CTn I never has been found in a healthy population, marathon runners, people with skeletal disease, or patients undergoing non-cardiac operations. Thus, CTn I is a more specific marker of cardiac damage than common serum enzymes. It is also more sensitive, allowing diagnosis of perioperative microinfarction and detection of acute myocardial infarction much earlier after the onset of ischemia (4 hours). Using a rapid one-step assay, we measured the release of CTn I in two groups of patients after operation: 20 with calcified aortic stenosis and normal coronary arteries (aortic valve replacement group and control group) and 20 undergoing coronary artery bypass grafting. In the overall population CTn I peaked at hour 6 and practically disappeared after day 5. Mean values were higher in the coronary artery bypass grafting group. In the aortic valve replacement group, a positive correlation was found between aortic cross-clamping time and CTn I, which is a reliable marker of cardiac ischemia during heart operations and can be used to evaluate cardioprotective procedures.