Female SJL/N mice were exposed to mercury vapour 5 days/week for 10 weeks, at a mercury concentration of approximately 0.5 mg/m3, 19 h/day; 1 mg/m3, 3 h/day; 0.3 mg/m3, 6 h/day or 1 mg/m3, 1.5 h/day. The total mercury concentrations in the brain were 6.4, 6.3, 1.6 and 0.64 micrograms/g tissue, respectively. The mercury distribution in the brains was examined. Mercury was found in almost the whole brain in the two groups with the highest exposure. In the third group, mercury was primarily found in the neocortical layer V, the white matter, thalamus, and the brain-stem. In the fourth group, the white matter and the brain-stem were the targets for mercury accumulation. Similarities and differences between rats and mice in the distribution pattern are discussed.