The purpose of this study was to evaluate the first year clinical performance of the TCu200B IUD in a cohort of women who had the IUD re-inserted immediately after a removal for life-span expiration, compared with a group of initial acceptors, and a cohort of women who continued using the device for more than 60 months. The sample consisted of 1066 users, 339 in each of the two first groups and 388 in the third. Life-table analysis was used to calculate continuation and gross discontinuation rates by reason. Statistical significance of the differences between groups was tested by log-rank method. Pregnancy rates were low, both in the group of re-insertions and first insertions, and no pregnancies occurred in the group using the device beyond the fifth year. The expulsion rate and lost-to-follow-up (LFU) rate were significantly lower in the group of women who used the device beyond the fifth year. In addition, this group showed a significantly higher rate of removal for investigator's choice. These results show that there is no reason to recommend the removal and replacement of the TCu200B before the end of the sixth year of use. When a new IUD is to be inserted after removal for life-span expiration, providers should be instructed to insert it immediately after the removal, because this procedure does not pose additional risks, reduces the number of clinic visits, and relieves the women of the use of a temporary method while waiting for the re-insertion.