During the last 25 years, from 1969 to 1994, the authors treated 97 choledochal cysts by surgical excision. Biliary reconstruction consisted of 67 hepaticoduodenostomies and 30 hepaticojejunostomies. The common hepatic duct was the site of anastomosis in 9 of the duodenostomies and 13 of the jejunostomies and of the bifurcation of the hepatic ducts in 58 duodenostomies and 17 jejunostomies. Reoperation was required in 10 cases because of recurrent cholangitis with intrahepatic gallstones. Biliary strictures were responsible for the cholangitis in 9 children with anastomoses at the level of the common hepatic duct and in 1 with an anastomosis at the level of the bifurcation. These results suggest that biliary complications develop because of anastomotic stricture or primary ductal stricture, and may be minimised by the creation of a wide anastomosis, which is best accomplished at the hepatic hilum.