In order to develop a financially feasible process to produce Anticarsia gemmatalis Nuclear Polyhedrosis virus in cell culture, we developed a lipidic supplement to replace fetal calf serum in insect cell culture media. The supplement, prepared with an extract of lipids from hen egg yolk, allowed us to reduce the contents of serum in the culture medium from 10% to 1%. IPLB-Sf-21 cells could be kept along consecutive passages in serum-reduced medium. The replication of AgNPV in HEYLE-supplemented cultures was evaluated. Extracellular virions production was the same as in FCS-supplemented-cultures, but the production level of polyhedral inclusion bodies was significantly lowered in HEYLE-supplemented cultures. The reduced production of PIBs is related to a premature releasing of non-occluded particles as well as to a reduced synthesis of polyhedrin protein.