The association of daily cardiac and respiratory admissions to 168 acute care hospitals in Ontario, Canada, with daily levels of particulate sulfates was examined over the 6-year period 1983-1988. Sulfate levels were recorded at nine monitoring stations in regions of southern and central Ontario spanned by three monitoring networks. A 13-micrograms/m3 increase in sulfates recorded on the day prior to admission (the 95th percentile) was associated with a 3.7% (p < 0.0001) increase in respiratory admissions and a 2.8% (p < 0.0001) increase in cardiac admissions. Increases were observed for all age groups examined. Admissions for cardiac diseases increased 2.5% for those under 65 years and 3.5% for those 65 years and older. After adjusting for ambient temperature and ozone, similar increases in respiratory admissions were observed in the period from April to September (3.2%) and in the period from October to March (2.8%). A 3.2% increase was observed for cardiac admissions in the period from April to September, and a 3.4% increase was observed in the period from October to March after adjusting for ambient temperature and ozone.