The infection rate of main species of parasites and their character by first nationwide survey of human parasites was made. The overall infection rate of human intestinal parasite and the infection rate of most species of parasites were higher in females than that in males. The infection rate according to the age group, the highest infection rate was found in the group aged 5-14 years. With regard to the relation between parasitic infections and occupations of the infected persons, the highest infection rates of Ascaris lumbricoides were exhibited in school children, of hookworm and Clonorchis sinensis were in halfpeasants and halfmerchant and vegetable grower; of Trichuris trichiura were in fishers, of Giardia lamblia, Entamoeba histolytica and Taenia were in herdsmen and halfherdsmen and halfpeasants. In this survey it is also shown that each nationality has their main species of parasites. The family clustering of some main parasites were proved by some province/autonomous region/municipality.