Seven cases of Gaucher's disease admitted in Medical College, Calicut, Kerala State, were studied. All cases were classified as Type I (adult) Gaucher's disease. Splenomegaly was the consistent feature. Routine hemogram and liver function tests were within normal range. Bone marrow smears and liver biopsies were studied. Bone marrow smears showed typical Gaucher cells. In liver biopsy storage cells were seen as scattered foci in sinusoids. One case showed diffuse distribution affecting all zones. All cases belonged to distinct community called Mappila Muslims of Malabar which account for only 35 percent of the population in Malabar region, situated in the northern part of Kerala. Type I Gaucher's disease has a well known racial predilection reported in Askenazi Jews. Mappila Muslims of Malabar may be another such group. This is the largest series of cases to be published in India seen in one particular community.