The influence of bilateral intrastriatal injection of quinolinic acid (QA, 300 nmol) was studied in male Wistar rats. Behavioral and electrophysiological experiments were conducted in 15 lesioned plus 15 vehicle-injected (control) animals. With respect to control animals, QA-lesioned rats showed marked, statistically significant alterations from both the behavioral (greater motor activation in response to d-amphetamine, place-learning deficit in the Morris water maze), and the electroencephalographic (reduced voltage amplitude and EEG power at the level of frontal cortex) points of view. In addition, a significant loss in body weight and a marked striatal gliosis (GFAP staining) were observed in lesioned rats. Conversely, QA-lesioned rats did not show modifications in posttetanic potentiation (P.T.P.) or long-term potentiation (L.T.P.) in CA1 hippocampal area. The present results confirm that QA lesions of rat striatum may be regarded as a suitable model of Huntington's disease (HD).