The purpose of this study was to define MR accuracy in the evaluation of T Stage of tumors in the tonsillar region. Twenty-two patients with a squamous cell carcinoma of the tonsillar region were studied utilizing a superconductive scanner operating at 1.5 T. The study was performed with SE T1 and T2 images before contrast and short SE T1 after Gd-DPTA infusion. MR results were correlated with pathological data on T Stage (TNM classification) and on the relationships between tumors and surrounding structures. A positive correlation between MR and pathological data was obtained in 19/22 cases, with an MR accuracy of 86%. MR did not show the presence of 2 superficial lesions (MR T0, pathological T1), while one lesion was classified T2 with MR, instead of pathology T1. The accuracy of MR was 95% in the evaluation of the relationships between tumors and the base of the tongue and 100% for body of the tongue, retromolar trigone, valleculae, epiglottis, pre-epiglottis, parapharyngeal and masticator space. MR showed high accuracy in the evaluation of T Stage, above all utilizing Gd-DPTA infusion, with short SE T1 sequences. MR did not show the superficial lesions, but in these cases a deep extension of the disease was excluded.