1. Corticotropin-releasing hormone (ovine CRH, 100 micrograms intravenous bolus) was given to 63 unipolar depressed inpatients following the 1 mg overnight dexamethasone suppression test (DST). The depressed patients included 18 minor, 24 simple major and 21 melancholic subtypes. 2. Baseline or postdexamethasone plasma levels of intact adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), beta-endorphin/beta-lipotropin (beta END/beta LPH), cortisol, and dexamethasone were measured, as well as the post DST+CRH hormone responses. 3. CRH administration 9.5 hr after dexamethasone resulted in a significant enhancement of ACTH, beta END/beta LPH and cortisol secretion. The post DST+CRH ACTH and beta END/beta LPH- but not cortisol-values exceeded their baseline hormone levels. The post DST+CRH ACTH--but not beta END/beta LPH or cortisol-levels were significantly higher in major depressives compared to minor depressives. The post DST+CRH ACTH and beta END/beta LPH--but not cortisol-levels were significantly higher in DST nonsuppressors than suppressors. The post DST+CRH ACTH levels were significantly and positively related to severity of illness. 4. The results provide evidence that the pathophysiology underlying the abnormal DST+CRH and DST tests in melancholia is localized at the pituitary level and may consist of a CRH-driven breakthrough of corticotropic cell secretion synergized by central and peripheral agents, in conjunction with a decrease in glucocorticoid feedback suppressibility.