The P300 component of the event-related potential is reduced in both abstinent alcoholics and in males at high risk for developing alcoholism. Here, 96 males (mean = 22.1 years) who were part of an interlaboratory (n = 6) consistency study in the national COGA (Collaborative Study on the Genetics of Alcoholism) Project were subjects in a visual target selection paradigm. Each of the participating laboratories used the same experimental design, hardware and software. Each subject received a randomized series of target, nontarget and novel visual stimuli, and upon detecting the target stimulus, was required to make a button press as quickly as possible. Statistical analyses indicated that there were no significant differences in P300 amplitude and latency at the Pz electrode under any of the aforementioned conditions across laboratories. Thus, the interlaboratory consistency of the visual P300 indicates that it may be of utility in a national collaborative study on the genetics of alcoholism.