Evidence of hemispheric asymmetries in schizophrenia has been reported from different research areas. Asymmetries in evoked potential P300 topography are still controversial because of inconsistent findings. In the present study, previous results of abnormal lateralization of P300 were replicated in stabilized residual schizophrenic patients. Auditory P300 was recorded during an oddball task in which subjects detected rare target stimuli. Schizophrenic patients had the P300 peak shifted to the right hemisphere and differed significantly from age- and sex-matched normal control subjects who had left-lateralized P300 peaks. A comparison of different methods of assessment and analysis of the topographical features of the P300 electric fields showed that the extraction of reference-independent descriptors of P300 topography is a reliable and sensitive method for statistical handling of the maps. The results suggest left hemispheric dysfunction during cognitive tasks in a subgroup of schizophrenic patients. Inconsistencies between previous studies are likely to be due to heterogeneous patient groups, which may have included patients in an acute schizophrenic episode or patients in clinical remission. Investigation of the clinical meaning of P300 alterations requires careful psychopathological definition of the patient groups.