Seven protein kinase CK2 alpha clones were isolated from a murine genomic DNA library. They were assigned to four different genomic loci (A,B,C,D). Locus D was previously identified as a processed pseudogene (Boldyreff et al. (1992) Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 186, 723-730). Here we present sequences of genomic loci B and C and the murine CK2 alpha cDNA. Loci B and C are like locus D processed pseudogenes, however, with considerable differences among each other and to the cDNA, especially with respect to the lengths of the putative gene products. Genomic locus D would code for a protein of 82 amino acids, locus B for a protein of 132 amino acids and locus C product for the full length product of 391 amino acids as the murine cDNA.