The aim of this prospective observational study was to see if high quality fetal pulse oximetry signals can be obtained from the fetus before labour. It was carried out in Labour Ward, Clarendon Wing, Leeds General Infirmary and St. James Hospital, Leeds. We studied Caucasian term fetuses antenatally and 20 fetuses during labour. Antenatal fetal oxygen saturation was measured using a sensor passed through the cervix onto the membranes covering the fetus before the onset of labour. The quality of these signals was compared to data obtained from 20 fetuses monitored during active labour after amniotomy. High quality pulse oximetry signals were obtained for less than 1% of the monitoring time before the onset of labour (95% CI 0-2.5%). High quality data was seen 38.6% of the time once the membranes were ruptured and the head descendend into the pelvis. With present technology fetal pulse oximetry will not contribute to antenatal fetal assessment.