The expression of the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP), a component of astroglial intermediate filaments, is regulated under developmental and pathological conditions. In order to characterize DNA sequences involved in such regulations, we produced transgenic mice bearing 2 kb of the 5' flanking region of the murine GFAP gene linked to the Escherichia coli beta-galactosidase (beta-gal) reporter gene. Seven transgenic lines were obtained. We observed that the regulatory elements present in the transgene GFAP-nls-LacZ direct an expression in the neural and non-neural tissue and target in vivo an unexpected subpopulation of astrocyte. In the developing brain, beta-gal activity and GFAP appeared simultaneously and in the same region, on embryonic day 18 (E18), suggesting that the 2 kb of the promoter contains the regulatory sequences responsible for the perinatal vimentin/GFAP switch. In addition, we demonstrated that the 2 kb sequence of the GFAP promoter used in the transgene possess elements which are activated after a surgical injury, thus permitting to study some aspects of reactive gliosis in these transgenic mice. These transgenic lines provide a useful tool by enabling further studies of astroglial and, probably, neuronal physiologies.