A new, one-dimensional method for the measurement of pulsewave velocities using real-time magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is presented. The measurement sequence is essentially of a RACE-type (Real Time Acquisition and Evaluation) with interleaved acquisition in two not necessarily parallel slices. In each slice the blood flow velocity perpendicular to the slice orientation was monitored. From the relative time difference of blood flow activity and the slice distance, pulsewave velocities were calculated. With a time resolution of 13 ms an overall acquisition time of 3.3 s was achieved. A method for suppression of signal contributions from stationary tissue along the axis of projection is discussed on the basis of a simplified mathematical model. Preliminary volunteer studies show that pulsewave velocities in the range of 1-10 m/s can be measured with an uncertainty of about 0.6 m/s at a conventional 1.5 T imager with a gradient system of maximal 10 mT/m.