The recent availability of monoclonal antibodies raised against cell cycle nuclear antigens makes possible, by means of immunohistochemical techniques, an easy and quick method of evaluating tumour kinetic activity, in addition to older methods such as measurement of the mitotic index. Some of these antibodies can be used on formalin-fixed paraffin wax-embedded samples, thus allowing the use of archival material. In the present study the proliferative activity of testicular tumours of the dog (seminomas and Sertoli and Leydig cell tumours) was investigated with two monoclonal antibodies to proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) clone PC10, and Ki67 clone MIB1. The former recognizes a formalin-resistant epitope of PCNA, and MIB1 the same antigen as Ki67 in formalin-fixed, paraffin wax-embedded sections after incubation in a microwave oven. Three parameters of proliferative activity were considered: PCNA and Ki67 indices (percentage of nuclear area positive to PCNA and to Ki67), and mitotic index (number of mitoses per 1000 cells). The PCNA index and Ki67 index revealed a good correlation in linear regression analysis (P < 0.001) as did the mitotic index (P < 0.01). None of the parameters considered revealed a significant difference in proliferative activity of the three types of tumour (P > 0.05-Spearman test), but in both seminomas and Sertoli cell tumours the progression from tubular to diffuse pattern paralleled an increase in growth fraction. It is interesting that some seminomas of the diffuse type, often considered on histological grounds to be the most malignant, showed the highest values of the above-mentioned parameters.