Adenomas of the middle ear are quite rare tumours of the ear and of recent recognition. Two cases of adenomatous neoplasms confined to the middle ear are presented. Usually these tumours are located on the promontorium or in the hypotympanon. The unique feature of the first described case is based on its origin in the epitympanic pouch of the tympanic membrane. The second case originated from the mucosa in the hypotympanon. The third case is a tumour-like lesion which was not distinguishable on clinical grounds from a jugulo-tympanic paraganglioma or a middle ear adenoma. The adenomas of the middle ear are histopathologically characterised by differentiated glandular structures within fibrous tissue and recurrences are rarely observed. Surgical removal by the endaural route gives an excellent prognosis as shown by the literature and our own clinical cases.