We conducted this study to test the hypothesis that transvaginal ultrasonography and color Doppler imaging of the uterine arteries are complementary methods in the assessment of patients with postmenopausal bleeding. Sixty-seven patients were studied. Seventeen suffered from endometrial carcinoma, 12 from benign endometrial lesions (six polyp, six hyperplasia) and 38 had no organic pathology. Transvaginal ultrasonography was found to be superior to CDI in the detection of pathologic conditions of the endometrium, but neither method can distinguish benign lesions from their malignant counterparts. CDI does not give additional information over that obtained by transvaginal ultrasonography in the assessment of patients with postmenopausal bleeding, and the limitations of both methods in the differentiation of endometrial carcinoma from benign lesions need to be recognized.