Bronchoalveolar lavage is a relatively new method in pulmonology. Treatment of broncho-alveolar fluid-washing/BALF/obtained after the procedure of broncho-alveolar lavage/BAL/enables obtaining of samples for investigation of inflammatory and immune cells, so-called alveolar, which, treated by different laboratory procedures, represent the source for different informations at many lung diseases. Analysis of BALF is significant in the differential diagnosis of interstitial lung changes, in the estimate of process activity as well in analysis of therapy with glucocorticosteroids, as well as in the estimate of immune cells state, particularly T abd B lymphocyte subpopulations. We have analysed BALF in 161 patients with lung sarcoidosis with the purpose of analysing the process activity and according to activity of lymphocyte alveolitis in relation to total lymphocyte number in BALF cytogram and by identification of T and B lymphocytes and their subpopulations/CD4, CD8, CD11/as well as by the index CD4/CD8. We have determined the CD4, CD8, CD11 values as well as B lymphocytes by monoclonal antibodies, manufactured by ORTHO-mune/USA/, signed by the manufacturer as OKT4, OKT8, OKT11, OKT22, conjugated by gost antimice IgG antibodies. The working procedure we have done according to instructions of the manufacturer by immunofluorescent technic.