Alleles of the STR systems HumFES/FPS, HumVWA and HumD21S11 were sequenced and analyzed. Sequence data revealed 3 different systems concerning the complexity of their sequence structure. HumFES/FPS belongs to the STR polymorphism with a simple repeat structure. Only 2 subtypes were found with a base substitution in the 5'-flanking region and no variation in the repeat region. In the STR system HumVWA the sequence structure of the repeat region is more complex, because 2 tetranucleotide units TCTA and TCTG were present. Additionally allele 14 revealed a completely different sequence structure leading to a different electrophoretic mobility. The repeat region of HumD21S11 is compound in structure. The possibility of variation at 3 positions leads to the occurrence of microheterogeneities in fragments of apparent length. In the upper allele range alleles arise with an additional incomplete TA-repeat.