Iron excretion following subcutaneous administration of deferrioxamine (DFO) was measured between two transfusions of packed red cells in 6 patients with beta-thalassaemia major on the high level Hb transfusion regime; and in a single 3-day period in 2 other patients, 1 with transfused beta-thalassaemia major and the other with haemolytic anaemia due to PK deficiency. The pattern of iron excretion did not change significantly during the period between the two transfusions and was found to be related to serum ferritin levels. The proportion of iron excreted in the stools was inversely related to the serum ferritin level. These observations on iron excretion are of practical importance in relation to DFO administration, especially when evaluated in thalassaemics with normal haemoglobin levels and low iron stores.