During the period between 1963 and 1988, 343 patients were operated due to aortic coarctation. 14 patients (4%) were necessarily reoperated for late postoperative complications. In 3 cases (0.8%) reoperation was indicated due to the development of aneurysm in the region of primary operation of aortic coarctation. The development of aneurysm is prevalently predisposed by Vosschulte's indirect aortoplastic operation by the use of a synthetic patch. In the remaining 11 patients (3.2%) the reoperation was indicated owing to the development of recoarctation. Today recoarctation concerns children which were operated under the age of two. The most important moment favourable for the recoarctation development is the secondary constriction of the repaired region in consequence of the coarctation listel fibroid tissue and owing to the incapability of the anastomosis to grow. The perspective rests on using new suture material and combined techniques. Late postoperative complications which follow operations performed due to aorta coarctation remarkably augment the peri and postoperative mortality. Three cases out of the given group of 14 patients terminated by exitus (21%). Hence, it is necessary to remove all moments of predisposition creating a condition favourable for the development of recoarctation and aneurysm. (Tab 2, Fig. 1, Ref. 14.).