Pregnancy-induced hypertension is no uniform disease with one cause and one pathophysiologic course. On the contrary it seems to be a multifactorial event with a very different symptomatology and a variable damage of various organs. Because of the heterogeneity of the disease and the difficulty of differentiation these various kinds of courses clinical studies, mostly retrospectively done, have to be criticized. The aim of this study is to examine vasoactive regulation systems by means of a standardized animal model, using wistar rats. A systemic hypertension could be achieved only in pregnant animals with aid a infrarenal aortic stenosis. Non pregnant and simulated operated pregnant animals are the control group. In the normotensive pregnant rats there was an elevation of all renal prostanoids: PGI2, TxB2 and PGE2. On the contrary hypertensive pregnant rats showed a decrease of all eicosanoids, prononcigated of PGE2.