A 30-year-old female was admitted to our hospital complaining of high fever and fatigue. Laboratory findings showed as follows; WBC 41,500/microliter (40% of blasts), Hb 8.5g/dl, platelets 4.4 x 10(4)/microliter. Cytochemical staining of blasts was positive for peroxidase and non-specific esterase with NaF inhibition. Chromosome analysis showed 46, XX, inv (16p+,q-). AML with eosinophilia was diagnosed. During myelosuppression after remission induction therapy, she developed high fever, and did not respond to transfusions. Marrow smears showed the presence of phagocytic histiocytes consisting of 18% total nuclear cells. A diagnosis of reactive histiocytosis (RH) was made. She recovered spontaneously, but suffered two episode of recurrence during subsequent chemotherapy. Reactive histiocytosis is characterized by proliferation of histiocytes which phagocyte blood cells in immunodeficient cases, e.g. a myelosuppressive state after chemotherapy. RH causes high fever and prolonged myelosuppression. It is considered to be one of the poor prognostic factors in AML during chemotherapy, and spontaneous recovery is rare. In this report, the effect of hydrocortisone on histiocytes derived from patient marrow was also investigated in vitro.