The aim of this study was to obtain further information about exocrine glandular immunopathology and the potential of the MRL/lpr strain as a model of Sjögren's syndrome. Immunoenzyme staining (ABC technique) and monoclonal antibodies defining CD3 T-cell receptor (TcR) alpha beta, gamma delta and TcR V beta 2, V beta 4, V beta 6, V beta 7, V beta 8.1,2, V beta 10b and V beta 11 were used to identify the mononuclear cells (MNC) in salivary gland infiltrates and lymph nodes of 2- and 4-5-month-old female MRL/lpr mice. TcR alpha beta + cells dominated clearly over TcR gamma delta + cells in both salivary glands and lymph nodes. In addition, to be expressed on lymphocyte-like cells, TcR gamma delta + cells also had a dendritic appearance. The frequency pattern of TcR expression in early inflammation (2 months) was V beta 8.1, 2 > V beta 6 > V beta 4 > V beta 10b > V beta 2 > V beta 7 > V beta 11. Clear differences in frequencies could be found between salivary glands and lymph nodes in established sialadenitis (4-5 months). Particularly V beta 4, V beta 8.1,2 and V beta 10b showed expansion in salivary glands at > or = 4 months. In conclusion, this study shows a diverse repertoire of TcR at local sites of MNC infiltration in autoimmune MRL/lpr mice. However, with increasing age it also shows a preferential utilization of certain V beta gene products.