The peripheral type of Buerger's disease is unresponsive to conservative therapy when accompanied by multisegmental occlusion at the level of the ankle. Between November 1983 and April 1993, we performed 15 bypasses below the ankle for this type of thromboangiitis obliterans in 13 patients (mean age 45.7 years), including four females. Ten patients had intractable toe ulcers with severe pain, and five had foot-threatening ischemia or disabling foot claudication. Eleven patients were heavy smokers, two were passive smokers, and six had a history of sympathectomy. All patients had occlusion of the three main crural arteries or both of the tibial arteries at the ankle. Of the 15 bypasses, 10 were to the medial or lateral plantar arteries, two were to the common plantar artery, and three were to the dorsalis pedis artery. There were three early and three late graft failures. The causes of early graft failure were thrombosis at the site of cross-clamping, anastomosis to a diseased segment, and arterial spasm. The three late failures (> 3 months) were due to disease progression in patients who continued to smoke, whereas all grafts remained patent and functioned well in patients who stopped smoking. Because patients with thromboangiitis obliterans are relatively young and active, early healing of ulcers and restoration of normal limb function are important objectives in their treatment. Bypass to the foot arteries can provide an excellent outcome, although special techniques and postoperative cessation of smoking are essential for success.